We would like to extend an invitation to attend our annual Interfaith Memorial Service, held on Monday, September 17, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at Presbyterian Church of Newton, High Street, New Jersey. This memorial service is open to anyone in the community who wishes to commemorate loved ones who have died. It will be an evening to remember, to gain strength and comfort. There will be clergy from the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish faiths. We will have songs, readings, and a candle-lighting ceremony.
You may send a loved one's name to be included in our brochure and to be read during the service. As your loved one's name is read, you may come up to light a candle in remembrance of them. It is a beautiful and honoring ceremony.
If you would like to attend, and/or have a loved one's name included in the ceremony, please send the following to the Joseph T. Quinlan Bereavement Center, c/o Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice, 99 Sparta Avenue, Newton, New Jersey 07860, Attention: Diana Sebzda:
Your name, address and telephone number. Your loved one's name, their relationship to you and a phonetic spelling for pronunciation, if necessary. If you wish to send a donation, that would be greatly appreciated and acknowledged.
You may also call in this information at 800-882-1117 or e-mail at Bereavement@karenannquinlanhospice.org.