I know this was a tough time for a lot of people. People have a tendency to become reflective around this time of year. The holidays are surrounded with many memories – favorite holiday as a child, favorite toy, favorite tradition and favorite food. But it’s also surrounded with the knowledge that as we grow up, we change – our traditions change, our lives change, and many of these memories become faded or are lost completely. So the holidays become a time where there is happiness, mixed with tinges of sadness as well. This can be felt even more so if you have lost someone you loved very much. People also have a tendency to become reflective around the New Year. People think back upon the last year and the changes that have happened, the good and the bad. They then turn toward the future and begin to reflect on what the New Year will bring, what hopes, changes and goals will they try to achieve in the upcoming year.
It’s very easy to become lost in your thoughts and depression, to think thoughts such as “what’s the point?”, “why did this happen?”, and “how did this happen?” These are age old questions that I believe have never been answered and probably will never be answered. It’s called “LIFE.” If you are reading this post, then you are alive and living. As long as you are alive and living, you will continue to grow and change. You will continue to collect memories, good and bad. You will continue to collect life experiences, good and bad. You have a choice in how you want to live your life. If we don’t have the power to change the outcomes of events, if we don’t have the power to get the answers to life’s age-old questions, we have no other choice but to go on living and hoping for the best. It’s what you decide to do with your life that counts. Will you focus on the negative aspects of a life you can’t control? Or will you focus on living each and every day to the best of your ability? One never knows what is waiting just around the corner, what surprises are in store for us. Live each moment as if it might be your last. Be with your loved ones as if that moment with them could be the last. Try to live with no regrets and no guilt.
I know – easier said than done – but you do have the choice.